All of us have our favorite wedding photo. Use that as wall art to personalize your home. Simply blow up the photo, choose a nice frame to complement the photo - and there you have it, a wonderful piece of art for the family home!
But what if your favorite wedding photo turned out to be less-than-suitable and cannot be used? Like the one below:
The Groom looked worn-out, exhausted. Not-looking-at-the-top-of-the-world! "The Couple looked better in real life!" - you probably heard that a lot too. Yes - weddings are high-pressure, exciting, surrealistic events. Only when it was all over did the Couple wake up and really felt it wasn't a dream. No wonder the Groom looked frazzled! And the photo did not lie. Captured in all its unedited unfettered glory - the mousta`che, the perspiration, the tiredness and anxieties. Sigh.. another favorite photo consigned to the "Banned Bin".
Pity, everyone agreed the photo was easily amongst the best in the Collection. The Couple's pose and expression said it all. The Groom remarked he liked the way his lovely Bride pressed her body close to him. No one had urged her to do that. It was all so natural, so spontaneous. Asked if we could use our digital imaging skills to redeem the photo, we said we would give it our best shot.
When we got the photo, we saw the Warmth, the Love, the Spontaneity. Yes, that would be our focus! Bring out the ethereal quality hidden in the image. Took us all of two weeks, tweaking dozens of elements. Re-doing and re-working numerous parameters. Until we got the freshness and sparkle we wanted. Then, when we thought we had nailed it, we noticed the groom's sun-burnt nose! Obviously he had just completed his army stint and the nose showed! More tweaking followed. Another week went by. Then, ahh.. more tweaks to the skin tone. There must be the right touch of color to the faces, not too light, not too dark. Finally, we showed the finished artwork to the Bride:
"Wow.. what a difference! This will be our showpiece, framed and wall-mounted for the Living Room," she uttered, all teary and ecstatic. Yes, the groom now looks fresh, clean, vibrant! Nicely complemented by the radiant Bride! He smiled sheepishly and shook our hand.
Their reaction spoke more eloquently than anything we could say !
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