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Dusk at Orchard

Dusk is a special time at Orchard Road. You see many people hurrying home after work, clutching their brief cases and handbags, quickening their steps to get ahead in the queue for buses or taxis.
D70, 24mm f/2.8D lens, 1/60s@f/7.1, ISO320, +0.3EV, AWB -2

Dusk is also the time when the sky is most beautiful, coming aglow with the colors of sunset, with the street lighting just switched on..
D70, kit lens@35mm, 1/500s@f/7.1, iso1000, +0.3EV, AWB -3

The shops are not crowded at dusk, for everybody is rushing home.
Jewellery stores and book-shops, amogst others, are quite empty during the evening rush-hour.
D70, 24mm f/2.8D lens, 1/60s@f/7.1, +0.3EV, ISO500, AWB -3

NLP in practice? The store seems to believe in pitching to the subconscious, using full-sized display ads of beautiful women adorned in equally alluring jewellery. Hey, man, what're you looking at?
D70, kit lens@22mm, 1/40s@f/5.6, +1.0EV, ISO1600, AWB -3

You can leisurely browse at book-stores at this time. No one is there to quibble with you if you decide to read a book. But most will take it easy at the many al-fresco cafes and watering holes along the Orchard shopping belt.
D70, 24mm f/2.8D lens, 1/60s@f/8, +0.3EV, ISO320, AWB -3

Dusk is also the best time to drop into your favorite department store. No crowds to jostle and hustle with.
I never failed to be amazed at the modern-day "koyok seller" in department stores. Forget your sales or marketing seminars or whatever you learnt at uni -- these practitioners will teach you a thing or two about hard-sell and effective pitching. Heck, they can even get an eskimo to buy a freezer from them! Reminds me of the time they sold big ticket Travel & Hotel Stays to friends of mine...
D70, 24mm f/2.8D lens, 1/40s@f/8, +0.3EV, ISO1600, AWB -3

But almost everyone is heading home! All engrossed in their thoughts. What will I cook for dinner?
D70, 24mm f/2.8D lens, 1/60s@f/7.1, +0.3EV, ISO320, AWB -3

The pedestrian mall along Orchard is wide and spacious. A pleasure to stroll, to watch and to see others going by. A place to see and be seen!
D70, 24mm f/2.8D lens, 1/60s@f/7.1, +0.3EV, ISO450, AWB -3

An avenue of luxuriant trees add to the charm of the Orchard shopping belt.
D70, 24mm f/2.8D lens, 1/60s@f/7.1, +0.3EV, ISO1250, AWB -3

Singaporeans don't like to waste time. Why not cross the road when there is no traffic? And no cop around to catch you for jay-walking?
D70, 24mm f/2.8D lens, 1/60s@f/7.1, +0.3EV, ISO900, AWB -3

The last stretch before reaching home to a warm dinner!

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